Tuesday 25 October 2011

Goodwin's analysis of a student video (two)

As a group we've previously analysed numerous music videos whether that was from recognised artists or students themselves - we haven't, however, come across any previous students who have created a production who, as well as us, are focusing their music video on artists JLS.

Whilst browsing through the Long Road Media website however, I came across a few groups who previously at Long Road had a JLS song that their music video was based on (I made a previous post focusing on the digipak of JLS.) I therefore believed it necessary to analyse a piece from past-students who also focused on JLS, even though this video was perhaps a preliminary piece.


Whilst this music video is obviously only a minute long, and it would seem that they were very time-restricted, I believe they didn't convey the genre of "Hip-Hop" well whatsoever. Their setting was in a rural location, something of which doesn't relate to JLS or the genre in the slightest. Their posture and general attitude in the video wasn't something of which I associate JLS with and I believe they haven't been very successful in their attempt to convey the genre.

I do, however, appreciate this is possibly only a preliminary and they only had a certain amount of time to capture and edit their footage. Their costumes conveyed the genre and JLS - even if they only equiped a scarf and glasses - they manged this well in the time they had. Whilst I could never picture JLS sitting up in a tree, I believe their editing in this scene was fairly good as they created a sense of ambiguity as they split the screen up into four pieces - something of which our group may be producing, or something simular. Whilst it's easy to state what's wrong with the video, in the time they managed, they did incorporate Goodwin's theory into their production and they did produce a comendable piece of work. 

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