Thursday 6 October 2011

Genre conventions research

Rap and Hip/Hop music videos often follow conventions which work well with the style of music. Many videos of this genre use short shots of up to 2 seconds. This works extremely well with the fast paced music and words, keeping the video conventions relevant to those of the song. Jump cuts are often used to show a jump in time, this works well as it quickens up the events on screen keeping the story line in sync with the song. However some videos do not have a direct link to the lyrics, some are purely performance and some are a mixture of performance and narrative. Many Rap and Hip Hop videos are set in the enviroments you expect to hear them played, e.g in a night club, bar or on the streets.

Here are some examples of music videos of this genre and where they are set.

  • Jay Z Ft Alicia Keys - Empire State of mind - Set on the streets of New York City with many still shots of the city.

  • Snoop Dogg - Vato - This video is set on the streets. The lyrics are telling the story of the narrative.

  • Kayne West - Can't tell me nothing - This video is set in the dessert and in a night club, it is simply a performance video, Kayne West alone singing.

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