Tuesday 25 October 2011

Analysis of student digipaks

Whilst researching the Long Road Media website, I came across a digipak which focused on JLS - I therefore decided to analyse the piece and blog my findings. It's very fortunate that past-digipaks are on the website as it gives my group an incentive and a rough idea of how to present our own digipak when we finish our music video production.

 The conventions of a digipak, as previously mentioned in a former post, are the following:
  • The title of the songs
  • The artist's name(s)
  • Different images linked to the genre of the music or the artist(s)
  • Brief description of the CD
  • A parental guidance 
  • logo(s)
  • The name of the producers
  • An insight of what the pack includes
  • A unique bar code
  • The CD music-disc
  • Various ratings
After analysing the image above, it does present most of the conventions that a digipak should have. It has the main aspects such as the artist's name, the title of the song, images that link to the genre, a logo, a unique barcode and producers. The group could have obviously improved by adding all of the conventions, as they have missed four or five out of their final production. I also believe the image is a tad too bland. Whilst the image(s) they've used are effective and do convey the genre as well as JLS themselves - I believe they should've had a tad more ambiguity to really push their production that much further.

Their strongest selling point, for me, is the lightening and the colours they've used. I believe the black and white they've used are really effective and whilst they're simple - they're really effective. I do believe, however, that they've restricted themselves with the images that they've used. Both of their images are really simular, and whilst this may have been their intentions - I believe they could've enhanced their digipak further if they used a more varied image that contrasted to the first one.

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