Monday 24 October 2011

Creative use of technology

Whilst we have the locations, props, costumes, lightening, and all the other ingredients to make a fantastic music video - the main part of our success will be down to the editing, and the way we impliment different scenes in creative ways. "Final Cut" is the program we will be using to edit our footage, and the sofware has numerous uses that can make our production very successful.

One of the ways in which we can improve our music video is by dividing the screen up into two sections - we can then have two of our actors performing within two sections of the video. This would create originality within our piece and exemplify the genre as most of the music videos we have researched have quirky additions to them. Another way we can be creative is by essentially "pushing" the screen away by using a "wipe" shot. We could have one of the actors within our production making the "pushing" motion then producing the shot. This would again be another good addition to add to our music video.

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