Friday 9 December 2011

beat again

location- rather uncoventionally there is only one location in the video which is the studio. But in the studio there is alot of spot lighting and the typical jls colours in the back ground.
costumes- simularly unconventional only one costume, the costume is also grey and doesnt make them stand out as much. But the costume is modern fashionable and appealing to the target audience.
Dancing- its a very energetic video lots of dancing a moving going on to keep the audience entertained, to keep there eye focused on the screen.
editing- fast cut rate to match the fast song.
lyrics, visuals- As there is only one location there is no exact link between lyrics and visuals but what they do; do is dance what they are singing e.g. beat again the make a beat from there chest.
camera shot and angles- again very quick lots of close ups and mid shots of them dancing to engage the audience. also some long shots so you can see the whole group together.
As Jls are already very well known one of there best selling points is themselves that why the whole way through the video is just them. That is what there target audeince wants to see and they dont need anything else to engage there audience.

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