Friday 30 September 2011

Practice Magazine Advert - The "Gothic" Genre

Prior to our music video, we had preperations that would enhance our awareness of what was expected. In groups, we had to choose a genre and create a "Magazine Advert" that would show a relationship between the genre whether that was with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the genre. 

As a group, we decided to choose the "Gothic" genre as we believe it was something we could easily illustrate in an advert within two lessons. As you can see by the image above, our main focus was to amplify the genre and we believe our final piece has successfully illustrated the gothic genre. The participant used in our piece compliments the genre in the way she is positioned, the style of clothes she is wearing, and the general attitute shown by her. "Goths" are usually highlighted as being retreatists to society and rejecting any "mainstream" goals and achievements. They reject the conventional way of society and this is showcased by the way they behave and dress. We have incorporated this idea in our magazine advert in the way that our group member is holding a chair above her head - as if to throw it into the face of society. We have also focused on lightening to enhance the genre, contrasting the background and giving the image a more gothic effect. We have used a lot of dark, black and red colours in our advert as the connotations of black and red is death, blood and danger which we believe illustrates the genre perfectly.

We could have choosen to challenge the archtype of the gothic genre which centres upon the ideological views of death, blood and retreatism - however we believe it was appropriate to instead compliment these views as it was something we thought we could easily achieve. As a conclusion, we feel the final product is successful in our inital intentions and has greatly complimented the genre.

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